Get the news you need in short - Invest 5 seconds a day to be informed!
With articles curated by our experienced editors, News5ive allows you to consume news in a highly optimized manner – 5 bullet points at a time.
Read what you need. Be informed. Use News5ive.
News5ive optimizes the news intake of those seeking to be up to date while being more human than a news aggregator. Our editors curate content for you, making sure you don’t miss out on any of the top stories of the day.
With our ability to revolutionize the way you consume news, News5ive is your app of choice for situations “On-the-go”. By reducing content to 5 bullet points while telling you all there is to know to be informed, we maximize your gain while minimizing distraction and time spent on news.
When opening the app, you will be able to select from the following categories:
- Top World News
- Politics
- Technology & Business
- Sports
Each of these categories, updated daily at 5.00 PM (GMT), contains 5 articles, each of which summarizes one highly relevant current news in 5 carefully written bullet points.
You may also choose to activate a push notification sending you the most important content of the day!
We are happy to inform you with News5ive!
Also, if you have feedback, write us up! We’d love to hear from you to continue to improve the app according to your valuable feedback!
This is our mail:
[email protected]